
This is how my mom pronounce America! It is so funny and I cant stop thinking about her when I hear this. Now Im here sa AMERICA it kills me because I hear this word everyday.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Red Ribbon

The entire day I have been thinking what to blog.
Then seeing at cnn.com, I was reminded that the world is celebrating World's AIDS day.
"Celebrating" may not be appropriate word to use.

But what will you use?

Two days ago, my friend, diana offered me her tickets of mtv concert to be held today in Fort grounds.
But unfortunately I have to drive from Alabang to Libis to get the tickets..
Naah, I decided no. "sayang pero lau nya eh!"

The concert is for world AIDS day too..
another way of promoting to use trust/ frenzy condoms
and another way to party all night.

But behind all the fun, serious HIV is exponentially increasing.
If we are afraid of Bird Flu - - Which can be fought by Tamiflu,
HIV is by far more terrifying. No cure friend!
Actually other diseases like coronary heart failure, cancer etc are equally serious in terms of eliminating primates. So, why bother highlighting this disease.

Because the top way to get AIDS is by having sex with HIV carrier person.
The pleasure of having sex is now pushed to denouement.
Orgasm and wonderful experience exchanged for the fluid of poison.
A seemed to be elixir now an extinguisher of breath.

I am reading "Maya" by Jostein Gaarder.
One of the character, a biologist John Spooke made observation when he was on the way to Taveuni an island on the Pacific near Australia.

The Island was once habitat for bats only.
And when Western settlers came to convert the lands to plantations, they introduced other
mammals to control the indigenous animals thus creating more complex ecosystem.
The bats eat rats, the bats may be eaten by monkey and may be eaten by tiger then eaten by alligator, then eaten by bacteria when it dies, eaten by plankton then eaten by fish which is eaten by frogs then eaten by rats and the cycle continue.

But interestingly new breed of species arise. Virus!
This not only re-arranges the food chain because virus isnt simply a predator but a parasite!
A parasite that cannot live on dead host.
Med majors may correct me on this but as far as i know, they cant!

So came on new era, HIV, ebola, and Bird flu.. new strain of virus that maybe a work of GOD
or a product of mutation caused by human's activities.

Whatever it is.. when we get infected.. we die!

"It takes billion of years to create a human being. And it takes only a few seconds to die"

let's be safe.. and so I say..

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

My wishlist

My wishlist for our office's Kris Kringle.. (worth min 500 pesos)

1. Craig David "the Story goes" (CD) + "Flights of Love (Book) by B. Schlink

2. The Solitaire Mystery (Book) by J. Gaarder

3. The Joke (Book) by M. Kundera

hehehe Gago ka Arnel pag di mo 'to sinunod! alam ko ikaw nakabunot ng pangalan ko!!!

tie the knot around your neck

A haven't greeted everyone Merry Christmas..
o sya, Maligayang Pasko sa Lahat!!!

Yesterday I received confirmation that two of my college friends is getting married.
Chat and Meh.
Im not sure if I'm supposed to publish this but I dont see this as a secret event.
However Im not sure if i would attend the event. or even invited hehehe
Chat invited me but the invitation is yet to be delivered.
Meh is still no word.

In case they read this, I really pray for their happiness.
Marriage would never be the end of your life.
It would be the start of a new hustle and bustle of life.

Have I thought of getting married soon and tying the knot around my neck?
It's a long shot. Im only 24 and may be couple of decade to live.
Am i therefore too young or just old enough?

The demands and responsibility I'm going to face is i think unbearable for the moment.
Constraints that most of couples are always thinking.
Kaya na ba?

Marriage is important to the bride.
Marriage is a culmination of your love with each other.
Marriage is a paper where witness bearing gifts sign their name.
Marriage is a paper that legally changes your status.
Marriage is just another excuse for eating-spree.
Marriage is a family reunion.
marriage is what you'll regret when you are to sign the annulment paper.
Marriage is just a passport for your career and professional achievement- - or money
Marriage is just a ceremony.

Whatever it is, marriage is contract to your partrner, God and society.

That you recognize yourself as singular no more rather an acceptance of state of plurality.

It is the better half hopefully not the bittter half.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Prime and Faith

Yesterday I watched movie by uma and meryl, "Prime" with my gf.
It shows how a troubled 37 year-old divorcee get involved sexually to her shrink's 23 year-old son.

That's the one sentence synopsis and there's no more to tell.
If not for the bed scenes and for the pleasure i get having to watch movie with my love,
I wouldnt have watch this movie.
No climax and no original topic to showcase.

There is only interesting topic that Meryl struck me and let me reflect.
It's about Uma aside from the fact that she's too ancient for her boy is not a Jew.
Their family is a americanized practicing jew but still rooted with the traditional teachings of judaism.
This conflict hit me that me as a traditional catholic is having a relationship with a born-again Christian.

Last Saturday me and daryll are supposed to have a date.
But since we just attended the music-fest that Friday in Folk-Arts Theater,
had few drinks in Pier1 at The Fort Strip, I decided to call it off.
She went instead to "a fellowship" slash wedding anniversary of her friend.
She is a born-again Christian and so as the 9 party-members.
She used to lead catechism to kids. "Ate" ng mga bata.

We had a serious talk after the movie.
Over my chai tea and her mocha, I inquired what's bothering her.
She claimed that she's under spiritual crisis and very unstable faith.
I hoped it's not because of me, which may not surprise everyone if that's the case.

She used to pray intimately, read the bible and meditate.
She attends sunday mass and tries very hard to be "good"

I asked her what's good and what is bad.
She just nodded and smiled. I'm not sure if it is a sign of resentment or a sign of "I really dont know!"
I told her that an act is good if from the beginning and during
one's consciousness you think it is good, it is therefore good.
However if your act is against what is originally realized as good, it is therefore bad.
Muslim can have n numbers of wife but can still be good on the face of Allah and all its people.
But as Christians, we respect the sanctity of marriage and try as much as possible to be not a philanderer or adulterer.
Ya right! hehehe

With all the differences in faith and beliefs, we tried to concur that the common denominator of all religion
is that they all teaches the human has to follow certain rules and teachings by being good and at the end
attain the Truth, peace and happiness.

Whatever our differences in religion must not hinder what we feel to each other.

raise for gold

SEA games formally open this sunday. Athletes from our neighboring country flew here to compete in various sports.

Opening ceremony was glamorous enough maintaining the austerity measures that the government is implementing. Sing ganda pero di sing gastos!

The show was well paced and very organized. Although it is not extravagant as olympics, the artistry behind the music and dance showed what most important in this event. Unity and brotherhood!

The sports will be held in various places in the Philippines. Aquatic will be held on Laguna; Volleyball in Bacolod, Cycling and Dance sport in Cebu, to name a few.

Unfortunately, NO basketball for this year! But at least people will be able to see other sports that need cheer and support.

Hope we get that gold and be number one again!

Visit : http://www.2005seagames.com.ph/

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

under construction

i hope to reconstruct this blog...
at least im trying ...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Dog Style

Man was given dominion over monsters.
This is what Genesis tells us.

Milan Kundera reminded me this in his book "Unbearable lightness of being"

Genesis written by human under a fervent faith.
Cannot contest huh?

For this entry I will honor my dog. For even God didnt honor them placing them on lower hierarchy and under our food chain.
Animal is supposed to be mechanical- - a robot- without soul

They eat and need nutrition just like car needs fuel.
If they get sick, its like motor of pump just worn-out.
They follow order just like the program we do on computers.
We can teach or train them not because their mind possesses logic and rationale.

Man's best friend. Still puzzles me why we become attached to a point that our pet, dog or cat
becomes part of us. Owning them. Is it because we are ought to become their master or because its a sympathy.

When I was 12, i have a dog named Tiger. ASKAL but looks a tiger, so as the reason behind the name. My uncle during my birthday wants to make tiger as asuzena! gago ba sya?
On my birthday!? What a gift?
I tried to hide her to safety against the kawali, vetsin and pepper.
Good thing got friends to help me.

Tiger lived for more than ten years i think. I miss her so much.

During New years when all the people celebrating and having their paputok scream and devast the serenity of the night, Tiger was inside the house running uncomfortably.
She was afraid of the explosion and noise outside.
I dont know if she thinks that there is a war or she thinks that someone want to shoot her.
Or she thinks she grew another wasteful year following, entertaining me and that any moment she'll die. Whatever it is, I'm so troubled. I cannot stop everyone from lighting their labintador or five star. It's like saying to God, "pwede skip this night and move on to ordinary day"

When Tiger died, I realized that no more to crazy, "mother eat young", "no paputok on new year", and "c'mon let's play all day" pet.

Well first love never dies. Two more pets shared our life. Although they arent as lively and cute as Tiger, it was a better replacement to none.

Hebrew. This is the name of our dog now. He's a daschund.
Short but very playful like tiger.
He's not afraid of fireworks! Maybe because he's male! Or because his death is not his worry.

Tiger, hebrew, whitey or cutie were part of my life. They shared love that is inspiring.

They dont want something in return.

If we dont play today. Tomorrow or never... their love and passion never fades.
Their love and care is beyond what I can give.
They do not measure how I love them nor doubt if i ever loved them.
do you want a dog love style?

Thursday, November 03, 2005


the title would be revealed later.

i think everyone had a piece of relaxing day after a long weekend declared in the country.
no-one to oppose except for us who had plan a month ago for vacation...
yahoooo! ang saya di ba.

i spent my "holidays" in la union and baguio.
two places? why not they are just 50 pesos away.

I stayed on my two cousins' house in agoo, la union "balikbayans from california" who opened their tickets and have them booked til dec 1.

Cant blame the for trying their best in extending their wallets/resources for a Filipino days and nights here.

A month ago i promised that I'll be coming over and g-gimik kami sa baguio.

Well that's the plan.

But the plan got better.
Got someone extra special with me.

Da came with me in baguio.

baguio turned to be extra hot! hehehe

i have written half of this piece last nov 3 but since too many deliverables left in the office that I have to finish, it took me 5 days to continue.

Daryll was my high school classmate.
Long lost friend who I met again almost ago when our common friend, Kaye
invited us for dinner in Sbarro.

She's so beautiful and so funny.
I thought I didnt show my "H.D." that night until
kaye, told me last night "sabi ko na nga ba, iba tingin mo kay da that nyt"

hehehe guilty of charged!

Well that's it for now...
I know there's more to tell on the next episodes.

by the way, qtt- - "quality time together"
got it from an officemate who went to baguio with her girlfriend too.